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Resident Artist Samantha Dávalos, soprano

Samantha Dávalos, soprano, obtained her Master of Music in Voice, Musical Theatre, and Opera Performance at Arizona State University in 2021 after receiving her bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance from The University of Texas at El Paso in 2019. Samantha has performed many roles including Puccini’s title role Suor Angelica. Other roles Samantha has performed include “Mother” in Heart of Oksana, “La Badessa” in Suor Angelica, “Linda Morales” in Hometown to the World, “Anna Maurrant” in Street Scene, and “Harriett Beecher Stowe” in The Infinite Energy of Ada Lovelace. Samantha is also a member of the Arizona Women’s Collaborative, a group of female and non-binary identifying artists who work across disciplines through cooperative composition.